Parking Lot Services

Greensboro, NC
Parking Lot Services
Just like your landscape, your parking lot is part of the first impression customers and clients get as they come to your business. Not only is it important to have it clean, parking lots also need to be safe and easy to navigate. In addition to maintaining the overall image of your property, regular parking lot maintenance can extend the life of your pavement by maintaining the structure and integrity of the surface.
At GLS Landscaping and Maintenance, we provide a full range of services to help you keep your parking lots in top shape – free of debris, cracks, and holes and with clearly marked parking areas.
Our parking lot maintenance and repair services include:
With each visit to a client’s property, our team of professionals takes time to handblow debris from sidewalks, parking lot corners, curbs, and landscaping islands. We also take time to vacuum sweep all parking areas, including entrances and exits. Our team takes care of removing any illegally dumped items and will report the issues to you immediately.
Power Washing
From gum to graffiti, parking lots can take a lot of abuse. GLS Landscaping and Maintenance provides power washing services to keep your parking lot clean at all times, above and beyond the regular blowing and sweeping of debris. Our specialized, high-end equipment and trained professionals are there to get the job done. Our pressure washing services don’t stop at parking lots, we professionally clean buildings, sidewalks, entrances, alleys, trash receptacles, signs, and anything else outside your property to help maintain the professional look your customers deserve.
Striping, Seal Coating, and Asphalt and Curb Repair
Parking lots break down over time due to normal wear and tear. With GLS Landscaping and Maintenance, you have a team of experts on your side who can maintain the integrity of your parking lot. Filling potholes, sealing cracks, and re-painting lines can help make sure your parking lot is safe and looking its best at all times.
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2205-K Oak Ridge Road, Suite 198
Oak Ridge, NC 27310 - 336-643-2554
- 336-644-7906